Spring has sprung, or so the daffodils think anyway, and this makes me think of new beginnings and the big spring clean.
We de-clutter and give our homes a good old clean up but do we do the same with our business and its marketing. Time to roll up those sleeves and get stuck in with these 5 easy steps.
- Clean your database.
If you are guilty of blasting off emails to old, duplicate or just out of date contacts then its time to clear them out.
Spam monitors are coming down on unwanted mail and if you are emailing an unmanaged list, it is likely you are coming under the threshold for spam, which could result in your IP being blocked for email marketing. Most email providers have the ability for you to see stats on emails that have been sent. You can monitor click through rate, unsubscribes and bounced data all of which all help you check if your database is effective.
- De-clutter fake followers on Twitter
You probably have fake followers on social media, which until now you have thought ‘Great they are doing no harm and it looks like I have more followers. Winning’. Wrong. You are putting your account at risk of being deleted for spam.
Also, the fakers cant buy or endorse your service or product and it will be giving you a false insight on your engagement so get rid of them, you don’t need them.
Tools such as Fakers will tell you how many fake accounts are following you: https://fakers.statuspeople.com/ You can also run a Twitter Audit: https://www.twitteraudit.com
- Polish your brand assets
Having a clean and professional brand is vital for your reputation. Check that your logo is visible and consistent on your website, social media and collateral. Make sure you have sized your social media cover and profile images to match the correct dimensions. If there are multiple people using branded documents within your organisation introduce some brand guidelines to keep things consistent.
- Freshen up your website
Everyone can be a little bit guilty of this from time to time. Having a website is great but not keeping it up to date and fresh with new content isn’t so great. The Google spiders hoover up new content, they love it, and it helps massively with your SEO (search engine optimisation). Your website is the home of your business, so give it some kerb appeal. Check contact details are correct, any events, services or promotions are current and blog posts are recent.
- Sweep up the competition
A little healthy competition is good but you need to be on the ball and know what your competitors are doing. Pay attention to what they are doing, what promotions and services they offer and how they interact with their clients. This will help you present you business in a better way.
All this will help make your business shine.